I wasn’t born yesterday – but I might as well have been. The technologies of contemporary life are all new to me. In the past month, I’ve upgraded to an iPhone, purchased a Kindle, and brought out an electronic edition of Into The Wilderness, a novel that appeared in print last year. In the process, […]
CRWROPPS As if writing weren’t hard enough by itself, producing the work is only part of the challenge: sending it out for publication is yet another full-time job. It’s not one I’ve been particularly good at, but I’m getting better, especially since I’ve started subscribing to CRWROPPS, The Creative Writers Opportunities List, a service provided […]
Money Talks
All I’ve ever wanted to do was write fiction. This is a gross overstatement and not completely true, because no one forced me to earn a PhD in English Literature, marry, mother, manage a business, or write medical copy – among other activities. I chose to do all these things, and often for good reasons. […]
Art & Architecture
When Virginia Woolf recommended A Room of One’s Own for women writers, she couldn’t have anticipated the open concept in architecture, or understand fully how children can interrupt a mother with their needs even when they’re not there. I’ve always had a room of my own – it was a condition of cohabitation when my […]
Words, words, words!
Musicians have notes; artists, colors and shapes; writers have words. Writers in English have lots of words. While it’s impossible to count the number of words in our language, linguists estimate that English contains about a million different words, two million if you add all the scientific names for things. And new words enter the […]