It started yesterday with a tickle in my throat, followed by a trickle in my nose and then a stuffed sinus turning into a cold.
But in this time of Covid, I couldn’t be sure. I cancelled my meetings, classes and dinner with friends.
Today, I went to get tested. Now, I’m waiting for the results.
I don’t know where I picked this bug up, and the last thing I want to do is give it to someone else. I’d already moved my January classes back to Zoom. Now I have to move what was to be an in-person fund-raiser at the library to an online event. And so it goes.
I keep telling myself, “It’s just a cold.” And then my wiser voice pipes up, “But maybe it’s not.” Maybe the pandemic is turning endemic – an illness or condition regularly found in a certain region. Maybe the Omicron variant has broken through my three vaccinations. Maybe that’s why whatever this is feels like a mild cold. I can cope.
My brain feels a bit dull, not quite up to writing the post I’d planned for today but perfect for picking up the phone for online technical support, something I’ve been putting off for months. I didn’t even mind talking to a machine in order to get through to a human. And now my contacts are syncing across devices again. I’ve spent the rest of the day reading.
All in all, not a bad day.
Wendy Cooper says
I also was tested and my results were negative so I suppose I just have a cold. Thing is I don’t want to infect anyone else-including the son I live with. I wish you the best.
Deborah Lee Luskin says
24 hours later and I’m feeling pretty good, so I think I also just have a cold. But this isn’t just about me, so I’m waiting for test results before I leave the house. Feel better!
Linda Lakind says
Great day if computer syncs and works again!
Deborah Lee Luskin says
Yes! And a foggy day (brain-wise) is actually a good time way to deal with customer service!
Ann Allbee says
I know the feeling. Our family was here for Christmas and today found out one granddaughter tested positive this morning. Spent this morning trying to find a quick testing site or a home test – no luck! Friday is the soonest so signed up. We have no symptoms but amazing how you imagine symptoms. Hopefully everyone is negative. If not thankful we’re all vaccinated.
Deborah Lee Luskin says
If this mild cold is Covid, I’m definitely benefiting from being vaccinated – and probably from catching the Omicron variant. Hope you stay well!
Lucinda Dee says
Feel better my friend. 🙏🏼🥰❤️
Deborah Lee Luskin says
I’m already feeling better – but staying sequestered until my test results arrive today or tomorrow. Happy New Year!