I hope this post finds you as well as can be under the present circumstances of pandemic, political and social unrest, and economic challenges. And despite all this, I hope you are writing.
Vermont Almanac
I have been so engrossed in learning to hunt whitetail deer and drafting the story, Learning to Hunt, that I’ve not written much else, not here, and not on my blog. But my essay November appears in the inaugural edition of Vermont Almanac, a lovely anthology about all things Vermont that’s just been published, and I wanted to let you know.
Published by For the Land Publishing, the Almanac is organized by month and is filled with stories, information, illustrations and photography about life in Vermont, where we are connected to the land by weather, agriculture, forests, the rural economy, and each other. Vermont Almanac is especially about the people of this land: the farmers, loggers, conservationists, homesteaders, scientists, hunters, poets and writers “who are preserving and pioneering a rural way of life” according to a land ethic that “combines economic vitality with environmental stewardship and the values of rural life.”
For those of you writing placed-based stories, this is an essential resource, showing some of the different ways writers can find inspiration in a place, its people, and the synergy between them. I hope you will check it out.
And keep writing.
Deborah Lee Luskin lives, writes and hunts in southern Vermont. She blogs at Living in Place, and leads the Rosefire Writing Circles and the Rosefire Revision Circle for writers who want community and support. Learn more.
Donna-Luisa says
Congratulations 🎊. You are indeed writing, and that is always good. 🌷
Deborah Lee Luskin says
Thanks for reading and linking. And yes, writing is good. All best –
Faye says
THank you. It is good to know there is still connection. Yes I LIVE TO WRITE and although I cannot live from the results. Life is given to me by writing. It’s all out there and most is freely available on websites etc. Please visit this site if you are interested. Bear Stories are freely downloaded etc. This continues to be my LIFE, https/:www.golden-rains.com I enjoy being in touch Blessings!
Deborah Lee Luskin says
Thanks for your comment. Congratulations on being a writer!
Faye says
juliecroundblog says
I am finding that it is almost impossible to get round to writing anything but ,luckily, I am getting readers for my children’s book so I don’t feel completely useless. Maybe one has to be very happy or very angry to write something worthwhile. If one hasn’t a character in mind I think writing about a place is the next best thing.
Deborah Lee Luskin says
I’ve come to think that place can be a character all on its own. My blog is “Living in Place,” and I’m very much a “place-based writer.” I write daily, regardless of my emotional state; I get grumpy if I don’t. All of this is to say: we must each find our own way. `All best, Deborah.
John Rumsey says
The rural way of life is always so fascinating!